Monday, April 19, 2010


When i was gave this assignment, i realize that story bridge has a history before it was created. After the class, i tried to find some data about the story bridge, and i found some history about Australia, the story bridge main material which are concrete and steel, and also the steel structure of the bridge. The materials and the structure of the bridge give me the essence of being trapped and endurance. Then i found that the Australian history relate with the essence of material from the story bridge. It gives me an idea of folie which i will make. Then, i tried to explore the story bridge site. Since, i was told to use digital media in order to influence my feeling toward story bridge`s environment, i used my iPhone and heard an instrumental music called "Akatsuki no Kuruma". I heard this music while observing the environment. Suddenly, I stopped at a place, which is exactly under the story bridge.

In this spot, I got my emotion synchronize with the surrounding. Actually my song is telling a story about a struggle of people to achieve freedom in a war, and somehow, the place is not only represent my emotion but also support it in relation of the song which i heard. Then, i try to find the elements which can support my feeling. Then, i tried to do some site analysis.

When i summarize my findings from the site, i realize that the elements which support my feelings are the wind direction, sun direction, material of the bridge, and the essence of line from the bridge. All of these elements create an "image" (concept) which is the same as the "image" which was created by the music that i listen to. After, i found the "image", i compared it to the history which i found, and i found that the history of Australia is also support my "image".

From the "image" that i found, i tried to create the shape for my folie. Then, i decide to create a folie which will attract people to see what i see, and let other people to experience my emotion which i got from the music by playing the instrumental music which i heard. The folie is made from mirror and aluminum. I choose these materials not only to let the sun reflect to under the bridge and attract people, but also the mirror give a reflection of the people who see it. It similar to do self-introspection . So that, people will experience what my emotion, and the folie itself will become a memorial of people in Australia to remember their history.

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